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How To Prevent Ingrown Hairs After Waxing

by Lily Morgen
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Ingrown Hairs After Waxing

Waxing is a popular method of hair removal that can leave your skin smooth and soft for weeks. However, one of the downsides to waxing is the risk of developing ingrown hairs. 

Ingrown hairs occur when the hair follicle becomes clogged with dead skin cells, causing the hair to grow back into the skin instead of up and out. This can result in redness, swelling, and pain.

There are a few things you can do to prevent ingrown hairs after waxing.

1. Turn to a Professional for Waxing Services

You may try to wax yourself at home to save money, but this could actually increase your chance of developing ingrown hairs. It’s always best to leave it to the professionals. 

A certified esthetician or cosmetologist will have the experience and knowledge necessary to properly wax your skin without causing any irritation or damage. Meanwhile, they’ll give you recommendations on how to take care of your skin both before and after waxing.

2. Exfoliate Before and After Waxing

One of the best ways to prevent ingrown hairs is to exfoliate regularly. This helps to remove any dead skin cells that could clog the hair follicles and cause the hair to grow back into the skin. 

You should exfoliate both before and after waxing. Exfoliating before waxing will help to make the process less painful and make it easier for the esthetician to remove the hair. Exfoliating after waxing will help to soothe the skin and prevent ingrown hairs.

There are a few different ways you can exfoliate your skin. You can use a physical exfoliator, such as a sugar scrub or loofah, or you can use a chemical exfoliator, such as an AHA or BHA serum. Exfoliating once or twice a week should be sufficient. Just be sure to avoid exfoliating immediately before waxing as this could irritate the skin.

3. Don’t Skip the Pre-Waxing Prep

Properly preparing your skin before waxing is essential if you want to avoid ingrown hairs. This includes cleansing the skin thoroughly and using a pre-waxing oil or lotion. 

A pre-waxing oil or lotion will help to lubricate the skin, making it easier for the wax to glide over and remove the hair. It will also help to reduce the risk of irritation and inflammation.

4. Choose the Right Wax

There are different types of wax available for hair removal, so it’s important that you choose the right one for your skin type. If you have sensitive skin, then you should opt for a gentler wax, such as an oil-based wax. If you have thicker hair, then you may need to use a stronger wax, such as a honey-based wax.

5. Apply a Moisturizer After Wax Treatment

After waxing, it’s important to moisturize the skin to help soothe any irritation and prevent ingrown hairs. Apply the moisturizer to the waxed area after waxing and then again later in the day as needed.

A moisturizer can loosen dead skin which creates ingrown hair problem. Look for an after-wax treatment that contains glycerin or hyaluronic acid to help keep your skin hydrated and prevent ingrown hairs.

6. Don’t Pick or Scratch at Your Skin

It can be tempting to pick at any bumps or ingrown hairs you may see after waxing, but this can actually make the problem worse. 

Not only will it irritate your skin, but it can also lead to infection. If you see an ingrown hair, leave it alone and let it grow out on its own.

7. Don’t Shave Between Waxes

Shaving can actually increase your risk of developing ingrown hairs. This is because shaving cuts the hair at an angle, which can cause the hair to grow back into the skin. It’s best to wait until your next waxing appointment to remove any unwanted hair.

8. Keep Your Skin Hydrated and Nourished

Hair won’t be pulled out of the follicle when the skin is dry; instead, it will break at the skin’s surface. Because of this, the hair will easily grow back and cause ingrown hairs by breaking and curling under the skin. 

Use a hydrating lotion or cream to keep your skin nourished and hydrated. This will help to prevent the hair from breaking and reduce your risk of developing ingrown hairs.

Meanwhile, drink enough water each day and eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

9. Avoid Hot Showers or Baths

Keep in mind not to take hot baths or showers for a few days following your waxing. Cool water will help to calm the area and lessen skin irritation. Hot water can actually cause skin inflammation and make ingrown hairs more likely. So, stick to cool or lukewarm water for a few days after waxing.

If you must take a hot shower, try to avoid letting the water run directly over the waxed area. Instead, use a washcloth to apply the water to the area.

10. Wear Loose Clothing and Avoid Touching the Area

Tight clothing can irritate the skin and cause the hair follicles to become inflamed, which can lead to ingrown hairs. It’s best to wear loose-fitting clothing, preferably made from natural fabrics like cotton, after waxing. You should also avoid your cloth touching or picking at the waxed area as this can irritate the skin and cause the hair follicles to become inflamed.

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