Home » 6 Reasons Why You Should Not Get Dental Implants

6 Reasons Why You Should Not Get Dental Implants

by Lily Morgen
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Reasons Why You Shouldn't Get Dental Implants

Your dentist may recommend dental implants when you are missing teeth, but some patients may not be able to meet the requirements for dental implants. Meanwhile, there are several disadvantages you need to know before you make the decision about dental implants.

1. Costly

Dental implants are expensive and may not be covered by insurance due to the fact that they are considered cosmetic procedures. The cost of the procedure includes the implant, abutment, and crown, which are often priced separately from the other components of the procedure. 

Also, patients may need additional treatments such as bone grafts to prepare the jaw for the implant, which can add to the cost.

Dental implants cost may vary from $2,000 to $4,000 per tooth. With labor and other associated costs, the total cost for the procedure can be upwards of $10,000. 

At the same time, you cannot tell the difference among various material implants, so you may be spending more for an implant that does not last any longer than a less expensive one.

2. Complications

Dental implants have shown to be successful in most cases, but there are some risks associated with the procedure that can lead to complications. 

If a dental implant is placed incorrectly or too deeply, it can damage the nerve or sinuses and lead to infection. In rare cases, the implant may not fuse properly with the bone, which can cause it to be loose inside the mouth or even fall out altogether.

The success of dental implants also depends on how well a patient takes care of their teeth after the procedure. Without proper oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist, bacteria can accumulate around the implant and cause gum disease or infection.

3. Time Intensive

The dental implant procedure is not immediate, requiring multiple appointments with your dentist and a recovery period afterwards. During the first appointment, your dentist will take x-rays of your mouth to prepare for the surgery. The actual surgery requires you to be anesthetized and takes several hours to complete.

Once the implant is placed, you will need to wait for several months for it to heal and fuse with the bone in your jaw before the permanent crown can be placed. During this time, you may need to return for multiple follow-up appointments until a restoration (such as a crown) can be placed.

4. You Might Need to Replace Your Restorations

Once a dental implant is fused to the jawbone, it should not need to be replaced. However, the crown or other restoration placed on top of the implant may need to be replaced every five to fifteen years due to wear and tear or decay. This means that if you choose a dental implant, you may end up spending more money in the long term.

5. You Might Lose Bone Around Your Implants

The success of dental implants depends on the amount of bone surrounding them, so if you have an inadequate bone in the area where the implant is placed, your dentist may recommend a bone graft to prepare for the procedure. 

However, even with a successful graft, you may still experience some loss of bone over time due to normal wear and tear or infection. This can cause the implant to become loose and may require additional treatments to correct it.

6. You May Not be Qualified

Not everyone is a good candidate for dental implants due to potential health concerns. If you’re too young (children or teens), too older (over the age of 85), smokers/chewers, don’t take care of your teeth, have a history of gum disease or bone loss, are pregnant, or have certain medical conditions such as diabetes, then you may not be able to get dental implants.

It is important to consult with your dentist and fully understand the risks associated with dental implants before making the decision to proceed with the procedure.

Final Thought

Dental implants can be a great way to replace missing teeth, but they come with some disadvantages and may not always be the best choice for everyone. Before making the decision to get dental implants, it is important to consider all of the potential costs and complications associated with the procedure. 

Additionally, you should make sure that you are a good candidate for the procedure and are prepared to take care of your implants in order to ensure the best outcome.

Talk to your dentist about any concerns you have about getting dental implants in order to make an informed decision.

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