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A Guide to What You Need to Know About Filing a Lawsuit

by Lily Morgen
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A Guide to What You Need to Know About Filing a Lawsuit

People often say things like “I’ll sue you” or “I’m taking this to court” in the heat of the moment, but most people don’t actually go through with it. Why is that?

Simply put, most of us have quite a warped idea of what a lawsuit actually entails. Many people have the misconception that filing a lawsuit is easy when, in reality, it’s quite a difficult process. For some, this will be worth it, and for others, it may be best to let things go. 

Either way, we’ve put together a list of things you need to know about filing a lawsuit so that you can be informed and make the right decision for you.

1. You Should Seriously Consider Hiring A Lawyer

While there’s no rule that says you need to have a lawyer on your team when you file a lawsuit, there’s no denying that hiring a lawyer is a smart move.

The chances are that you don’t have a lot of knowledge about the law nor the time needed to dedicate to your case, so hiring a lawyer can make things easier for you and also increase your chances of winning the lawsuit. 

This is especially true if you hire a lawyer who specializes in a certain field, such as Lamber Goodnow Injury Lawyers, Phoenix, who specialize in personal injury lawsuits.

2. Understand That It’s A Big Commitment

A very common mistake that people make is to assume that a lawsuit happens quickly. While this may be the case now and then, it certainly isn’t always how things work out.

Most lawsuits take a lot of time, and it can thus be months or even years before a verdict is reached. Because of this, you need to understand that, when you are filing a lawsuit, you are committing to it taking up a lot of your time, which means you may need to take time off of work, or take time away from your family in some cases.

3. Figure Out What Type Of Lawsuit You Need To File

Again, saying you’re going to file a lawsuit isn’t enough – you will actually need to go ahead and file it if you want anything to happen. And in order to do so, you need to understand what lawsuit you need to file.

There are loads of different lawsuits. As mentioned, you could file a personal injury lawsuit. You may also want to file a criminal lawsuit, or a lawsuit relating to child maintenance. Filing the right lawsuit is very important, which is another reason why you should consider hiring a lawyer for assistance.

4. Proof Makes Everything Easier

As complicated as lawsuits can get, the basic principles are quite simple: the stronger your case, the easier it will be to win the lawsuit.

But the question you’re likely asking yourself is how exactly does one build a solid case? The truth is that you will need proof to back up what you’re saying. 

Sometimes, this is easy, such as if you have video footage of an incident or messages of someone threatening you. Other times, though, getting evidence of your claims is a bit harder. Again, this is where a good lawyer comes in handy.

5. Make Sure You Can Afford It

Unfortunately, most lawsuits end up being quite pricy. Of course, if you end up winning your lawsuit, you could stand to make a lot of money (depending on the type of lawsuit you filed) but there is still always a risk involved. 

And while hiring a lawyer is certainly the safest bet, there is also no denying that legal fees add up and can cost you a lot of money and financial stress.

That’s why it’s so important to assess your finances to determine whether or not you can actually afford the fees associated with a lawsuit before you file one.

6. The Process Isn’T What It Looks Like On TV

We’ve mentioned a few times by now that people often don’t know what goes into a lawsuit, and a very big reason for that is how the justice system is portrayed in the media.

When you grow up watching law shows on TV, you may expect your lawsuit to be action-packed, with lots of people shouting, and dramatic reveals around every corner. Well, we hate to disappoint you, but real lawsuits don’t work that way. 

The truth is that lawsuits can be quite boring, and because they take so long, a lot of the process simply involves waiting around for ages. So, if you do decide to go ahead with a lawsuit, make sure that you’re doing it for the right reasons and that you know what to expect.

7. Check In With Your Mental State

Lawsuits are not easy. They impact your life in many ways, and they often require you to relive traumatic events.

Many people simply can’t cope with the emotional implications of a lawsuit, especially since lawsuits can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Because of this, we’d recommend only filing a lawsuit if you feel that you are mentally in a place where you can cope with it. If you can’t, there’s no shame. 

There isn’t a rule that says you have to file a lawsuit, you need to do what’s best for you. And if you do go ahead with the lawsuit and you find that you are struggling to cope, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

In Conclusion

Deciding whether or not to file a lawsuit can be a very tough decision. On the one hand, if something horrible has happened to you, you may want to see justice be served. On the other hand, lawsuits are a big commitment and can impact your life in many ways.

In the end, you will need to make whatever decision feels right for you. That being said, we do hope that this post gave you some helpful insights into a few things that you need to know about lawsuits and that this will make the decision easier for you.

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