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11 Valid Reasons You Can Not Get Drafted

by Lily Morgen
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Valid Reasons You Can't Get Drafted

Draft or conscription in the United States is defined as a process by which individuals are enlisted into military service in case of a national emergency. It is a crucial part of the military’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to any threats against the nation. Last employed in 1973 during the Vietnam War.

There is no draft at present and joining the military is entirely voluntary.

While many young men in the United States are eager to serve their country, not everyone is able to be drafted. Here are 11 common reasons why you cannot be drafted if you want to. 

1. You Don’t Meet the Age Requirement of 18 to 25

The main eligibility requirement for the draft is age. The selective service program requires all male citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 to register. Anyone who is older or younger than this will be ineligible for the draft.

The males of permanent residents or green card holders, are also required to register for the selective service if they are between the ages of 18 and 25.

2. You’re a High School Student

You can temporarily postpone being drafted if you’re in high school until you age 20 or graduate, whichever comes first. The selective service system will exclude males under the age of 18, so high school students are ineligible until they turn 20 or graduate from high school. 

If you are still in high school when you reach the age of 20, you will need to register for the selective service at that time or face penalties for failure to register.

3. You’re a College Student

College students do not need to be drafted. The U.S. military does not require college students to enlist for service. Any student who is enrolled in a college or university is typically exempt from being drafted; this includes students of all ages who are part-time and full-time.

However, when your academic year is over and you are no longer in school, the exemption disappears if your age is between 18-25. At that time, you may be called for a draft or conscription and will need to register with selective service.

4. Your Education is Below a High School Education 

In order to be considered for military service, a minimum of a high school education is required. This means that you must have completed at least 12 years of schooling or hold an equivalent degree. Those with GEDs are also eligible, but they must pass the Armed Forces Qualification Test in order to be accepted.

5. You Have Dependents

Having dependents and family members who rely on you can also be grounds for exemption from military service. 

If your spouse is pregnant, you have a child who is under the age of 17, or you need to look after your elder parents whose ages are over 65, you may be eligible for an exemption. It is important to note that this exemption only applies if your dependents are solely reliant on you and cannot provide for themselves without your help.

6. Obesity

Obesity is the main reason Americans can’t join the military. A strict military policy requires all service members to maintain a certain body fat percentage that reflects the standards of the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT). 

If your body fat percentage exceeds those standards, then you may be disqualified from joining the military, even if you meet the other necessary qualifications. 

The physical demands of military service require a certain level of fitness, and individuals who are significantly overweight are more at risk for injury or illness due to the extra strain it puts on their bodies. Additionally, obesity is linked to a number of health conditions that can prevent someone from service.

Moreover, many military jobs require members to carry additional gear or pack supplies during long marches and patrols, which can be difficult if you are overweight or obese. For these reasons, it is important to maintain a healthy weight if you want to get accepted into the military.

7. You Have Health Conditions That Disqualify You

Certain health conditions can lead to disqualification from military service. These include physical disabilities, mental or emotional disorders, and medical issues that could compromise the safety of other service members.

For example, if you have a heart condition, epilepsy, or diabetes, you may be disqualified. Also, if the selective service board determines that your mental health is not up to military standards, they may disqualify you.

The process for determining eligibility due to a health condition can be complicated, so it is important to provide as much information as possible when applying. This includes medical records, doctor’s notes, and any other documentation that can help the selective service board make an informed decision. 

8. You Have Certain Religious Beliefs That Conflict with Military Service

The United States Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of religion, so refusing to serve in the military due to religious beliefs is permitted. 

If you are considering refusing to serve due to religious beliefs, it is important to understand the process and be prepared with all of the necessary paperwork. 

Make sure that your reasons can be clearly stated and linked to a religious belief or teaching. You should also make sure that your beliefs are sincere and not based on any other personal moral or ethical code.

9. If You Have a Criminal Record

Having a criminal record can be an automatic disqualification from military service. According to the United States Army, “conviction by a civil court for any offense other than minor traffic violations may be grounds for rejection” when applying for selective service. 

This includes all felonies and Class A misdemeanors, such as assault or burglary. Other criminal offenses, such as drug-related convictions and violations of military law, can also lead to disqualification.

If you have a criminal record, it is best to be completely honest with the selective service board when applying or you risk serious legal repercussions. It may still be possible to enlist in the armed forces if your crime was not too serious, but you should be aware that it will count against you.

If you have been convicted of a crime but are not sure if it will stop you from military service, contact the selective service board for more information. They can help you understand your eligibility status and provide guidance on how to proceed if necessary.

10. Drugs and Alcohol

The use of drugs and alcohol can also lead to disqualification from military service. This includes both illegal substances, such as marijuana, and prescription medications that can be abused. 

The United States Army states that “persons who have a history of drug abuse are not acceptable for any category of military service” and that “a history of alcohol abuse may be disqualifying depending on the frequency and recency of the abuse.” 

11. You Visa is Work Visa or Student Visa

Foreign nationals who are in the United States on a work or student visa are exempt from being drafted. According to the U.S. Department of State, “non-immigrants who have entered the United States legally and are living here temporarily are not subject to select service registration”. 

This means that if you are working or studying in the United States, you cannot be drafted. It is important to note that this exemption only applies to foreign nationals and not permanent residents or citizens of the United States. 

Final Thought

Although conscription in the United States military is not currently in practice, it is important for everyone to understand their rights and responsibilities regarding military service. 

The process of the draft can be a lengthy and sometimes complicated one. There are certain conditions or circumstances that can lead to disqualification, so it is important to understand what these are before applying. 

Factors such as age, obesity, criminal records, religious beliefs, health issues, you have dependents, lack of education, and drug/alcohol use can all keep you from being drafted.

These are some of the most common reasons why an individual may be disqualified from military service in the United States. 

If you believe that any of these situations apply to you, it is important to be aware of all of the requirements and contact the selective service board for more information. They can help guide your decision and provide advice on the best course of action. 

By understanding these disqualifying factors, you can ensure that whether you are ineligible for military service or not, and make informed decisions about your future. 

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