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How to Become an Online Personal Trainer (14 Steps)

by Lily Morgen
731 views 14 minutes read
Online Fitness Coach

Are you a fitness professional who enjoys teaching clients but feels as though your career has reached a ceiling? If so, becoming an online trainer can be a choice for you. Here are steps you can take to get started in this new, and growing industry.

1. Decide What Types of Fitness You Want To Teach

The first step to becoming an online personal trainer is deciding which type of fitness you want to teach. This will help you determine what types of clients you want to attract.

Some personal trainers focus on strength training, while others prefer teaching cardio workouts or a combination of both. You may also want to focus on a specific population, such as seniors, kids, or pregnant women.

Think about your strengths as a trainer and what you enjoy teaching the most. This will help you create engaging content that your future clients will love.

2. Know Who Are Your Target Customers

The next step is to know who your target customers are. This will help you create content that appeals to them and market your services in the right places.

Who do you want to work with? What are their fitness goals? for fat loss for athletic performance? What are their interests outside of the gym? Answering these questions will give you a better idea of who your target market is and how to reach them.

3. Create an Online Personal Training Questionnaire to Know Your Target Customers’ Need

It is recommended to conduct an initial assessment of each client’s needs in order to be able to provide a training program that is appropriate for your target customers. To be able to provide your clients with the best advice, you must first discover who they are, and what they expect to learn from your training course.

You can do this by using a questionnaire (use Google Form) to find their issues and expectations. Meanwhile, it can reveal whether you and your client are a good fit or whether you can provide them with what they need.

The questionnaire should cover the following topics:

  • Motivation for training
  • Training goals
  • Experience with training
  • Injuries or health concerns
  • Schedule and availability
  • Equipment available

4. Create a Professional Website

Creating a professional website is a great way to show off your personality and attract clients. Be sure to include information about your experience, qualifications, services, rates, and contact information.

Your website should be easy to navigate and mobile-friendly, as many people will be accessing it from their phones or tablets. You may also want to include blog posts with tips and advice, as well as videos or podcasts of your workouts.

5. Create a Template For Each Type of Clients with the Same Goal

Then create a template for each type of client with the same goal. This will help you save time when creating new workout programs and make sure each client is getting the appropriate level of care.

For example, if you want to work with clients who are looking to lose weight, you can create a 12-week program that gradually increases in intensity. This way, you can easily modify it for each new client without starting from scratch every time.

This will help you save time when creating new content and ensure that all of your workouts are well-rounded and effective.

Start by creating a basic template that includes a warm-up, strength training, and a cool-down. From there, you can add in additional cardio or ab work as needed. Make sure to include a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups to keep your clients engaged.

6. Have a Good Camera and Invest in a Quality Microphone

A good camera and a quality microphone will help you create high-quality videos that your clients can follow along with at home.

If you don’t have a lot of experience with video editing, there are plenty of online tutorials that can help you get started. You can also hire someone to edit your videos for you if needed.

Make sure that your videos are clear and easy to follow. Your clients should be able to see and hear you well so that they can safely and effectively do the exercises at home.

7. Create Engaging and Effective Workout Videos

Engaging and effective workout videos will help you keep your clients motivated and coming back for more.

When creating your videos, make sure to focus on proper form and technique. Your clients should be able to see your entire body so that they can copy your movements correctly. 

It’s also important to keep your videos interesting by mixing up the exercises, adding in new challenges, and varying the tempo. This will help your clients stay engaged and motivated to continue working out at home.

8. Decide on the Best Package and Online Training Pricing Model for You

Decide on the best package and online training pricing model for you. There are a few different options to choose from, so take some time to think about what would work best for you and your clients.

Some personal trainers offer monthly subscription packages, while others charge per session or per program. You can also offer discounts for longer-term commitments or for referrals from happy clients.

You need to find a pricing model that you’re comfortable with and that will provide value for your clients. Once you’ve decided on a price, be sure to include it in your marketing materials so that potential clients know what to expect.

9. Create an Online Personal Training Application To Gain Potential Customers’ Data

Whatever method you use to attract customers to your online training business (video content, social media, word-of-mouth, advertising), one thing is for sure:

You can only attract prospects and market online if you can convince them to enter their information into your system so that you can follow up with them.

The best way to do this is to create an online personal training application that potential customers can fill out. This will give you their contact information, allow you to learn more about their goals, and help you determine if they’re a good fit for your services.

Your online personal training application should include fields for the following information:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Occupation
  • Income level
  • Level of fitness (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
  • Fitness goals
  • Workout frequency preference
  • Training program type preferences
  • Referrer name/contact information

Once you have this information, you can follow up with your prospects via email, phone, or text to introduce yourself and your services. You can also use this information to create targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to convert leads into paying customers.

By taking the time to create an online personal training application, you’ll be able to quickly and easily collect the information you need to market your business effectively. This will help you attract more prospects, close more sales, and grow your business.

10. Set Up Your Virtual Training Space

Although you may train your clients virtually from anywhere, having a dedicated home-based place can help you be as structured and productive as you can.

Your virtual training space doesn’t need to be big. It can be as simple as setting up a desk or table in a quiet corner of your home with good lighting and a comfortable chair.

If you have the space, you can also set up a TV or computer so that you can show your clients workout videos or demonstrations. You can also use this space to store any equipment that you need for your virtual training sessions, such as hand weights, yoga mats, or resistance bands.

By taking the time to set up a dedicated virtual training space in your home, you’ll be able to work more efficiently and provide a better experience for your clients. This will help you grow your business and attract more clients.

11. Get Certified as a Personal Trainer

While you don’t need to be certified as a personal trainer to start an online training business, it can certainly help.

Being certified will give you the knowledge and skills you need to design effective workout programs and provide quality instruction. It will also give you the credibility you need to attract and retain clients.

There are many different personal training certification programs available, so be sure to do your research to find one that’s right for you. Once you’re certified, be sure to include your credentials in your marketing materials so that potential clients know that you’re qualified to help them reach their fitness goals.

12. Prepare Fitness Equipment Needed for Workouts

While you don’t need to have a lot of fitness equipment to start an online training business, there are a few essential pieces that you should have on hand.

Some of the basic fitness equipment that you’ll need includes:

  • Dumbbells or kettlebells of various weights
  • Resistance bands
  • Yoga mat
  • Exercise ball
  • Foam roller

Having this equipment will allow you to design effective workout programs for your clients, regardless of their fitness level.

13. Your Fitness Environment is Also Important To Your Success

You can imagine that clients’ attention is all on the screen watching you, and you are focused on them too, but there are actually other factors in the room that affect your success.

Your fitness environment includes everything from the clothes you wear to how you arrange your space. It also includes things like the music you play and the light of your room.

All of these things can impact your clients’ workouts, so it’s important to be aware of them and make sure they are working in your favor.

For example, you might want to consider wearing bright colors that will energize your clients and make them feel good about their workout. You might also want to arrange your space so that it feels open and welcoming. And you might want to play upbeat music that will motivate your clients to push themselves during their workouts.

By taking the time to create a fitness environment that is conducive to working out, you’ll be able to provide a better experience for your clients and help them get the most out of their workouts. This, in turn, will help you grow your business.

14. Make the Difference to Stand Out in the Competition

Your target customers may have several options besides you. Why they should choose you as their personal trainer? Think about what is your unique strength. I think it is the hardest way in your road to be a professional online personal trainer. For example, if you’re beautiful, it is also your strength that makes you stand out from your competitors.

Some of the questions below may help you develop your personal brand.

  • What are your core values?
  • How do you want to be perceived by others?
  • How can you be different than other online personal trainers?
  • What do you have to offer that is unique and not easily found elsewhere?
  • What are your goals?

Answering these questions honestly will help you develop a personal brand that is authentic and unique. When developing your personal brand, be true to yourself first and foremost.

Final Thought

With these 14 steps, hope you can be more confident to become an online personal trainer and start helping people reach their fitness goals. Just remember to focus on creating high-quality content, building a strong client base, and offering competitive prices. With a little hard work and dedication, you’ll be well on your way to success.

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