Home » 28 Energy Saving Tips for Homeowners

28 Energy Saving Tips for Homeowners

by Lily Morgen
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Home Energy-Saving Tips

Saving energy at home doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. There are many easy ways to reduce your energy consumption and save money on your utility bills. Here are a few tips:

1. Conduct a Home Energy Audit

The first step to saving energy is to determine where your home is losing it. A home energy audit can help you identify areas where your home is inefficient and recommend ways to improve its performance. Many utility companies offer free or discounted audits, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity.

The U.S. Department of Energy advises looking for energy wasters in your home, such as:

  • Air leak
  • Leaking ducts
  • Insulation
  • Apparatus and equipment for heating and cooling
  • Energy efficiency of lighting

2. Upgrade Your Insulation and Weather-Stripping

One of the biggest sources of energy loss in homes is through inefficient insulation and poor weather-stripping. By upgrading your home’s insulation and sealing up any gaps or cracks, you can significantly reduce heat loss in the winter and cool air loss in the summer. This will not only save energy, but also make your home more comfortable year-round.

3. Replace Your Incandescent Bulbs with LEDs

Since incandescent bulbs are significantly less efficient than LED bulbs, they consume more energy and are more expensive to run. You may save both money and energy by switching out your old incandescent bulbs for LED ones.

4. Keep a Stocked Refrigerator

A well-stocked refrigerator is one of the best ways to save energy at home. Keeping your fridge full helps it run more efficiently, because it doesn’t have to work as hard to keep cool. Plus, having plenty of food on hand means you’re less likely to make last-minute trips to the store, which can save you time and money.

5. Install a Programmable Thermostat

You can set various temperatures for various times of the day with a programmable thermostat, which is a terrific way to conserve electricity. You may, for instance, adjust the temperature to be lower when you’re not home and higher immediately before you return. In this manner, the energy used to heat or cool an empty house is saved.

6. Close Fridge Quickly After You Open it

It is common when you open the fridge to pick out what you want and then stand there for a couple of minutes while you make your decision. However, every time the fridge door is open, cool air escapes and the fridge has to work harder to keep cool. So, make sure to close the fridge door as soon as you’ve made your selection.

7. Defrost Your Freezer Regularly

Frost buildup in your freezer can make it work harder, which wastes energy and raises your utility bills. To keep frost under control, defrost your freezer regularly. You can do this by unplugging the freezer and letting it thaw naturally, or by using the defrost setting on your refrigerator.

8. Regularly Clean Your Refrigerator Coils

Dirty coils on your refrigerator can make it work harder, which wastes energy and raises your utility bills. Use your vacuum’s brush attachment to frequently vacuum your coils to maintain them clean.

9. Use the Dishwasher Instead of Hand-Washing

You may think that hand-washing dishes is more efficient than using the dishwasher, but that’s not always the case. Modern dishwashers are very energy-efficient, and they can actually save you water and time.

10. Avoid Pre-Washing Dishes Before You Put Them in the Dishwasher

You don’t always need to pre-wash your dishes before you put them in the dishwasher. In fact, pre-washing can actually use more water and energy than just putting them straight in the dishwasher.

11. Use an Electric Water Kettle

An electric water kettle is a great way to save energy because it boils water faster than a stovetop kettle. Plus, you can use it to boil only the amount of water you need, which saves energy and money.

12. Turn off the Kitchen Vent

Most range hoods and kitchen vents are open to the outside of the house. After cooking, turn off the vent fan to save energy on the heating and cooling systems in your house.

13. Use a Power Strip for Electronics

Using a power strip to plug in your electronics is a great way to save energy. Power strips allow you to easily turn off all your electronics with one switch, so you’re not wasting energy by leaving them plugged in when they’re not in use.

14. Don’t Charge Your Devices Overnight and Unplug Devices When You’re Not Using Them

It’s a common myth that it’s better to charge your devices overnight for new smartphones and tablets to optimize charging to control their battery use. In reality, it’s actually better to unplug your charger after the battery is full to reduce energy waste as your phone only needs a few hours to charge. 

Appliances that are plugged in but not in use can still waste energy. To save energy, unplug appliances when you’re not using them. This includes things like toasters, coffee makers, and TVs.

15. Fix Your Faucets

Leaky faucets can waste a lot of water and energy. Make sure to fix any leaks as soon as possible to save money on your water bill and reduce energy waste.

16. Replace Your Showerhead

If your showerhead is more than 10 years old, it’s probably time for an upgrade. Newer showerheads are designed to be more efficient, so they use less water and energy.

17. Check Your Home for Air Leaks

Air leaks around doors and windows can waste a lot of energy. Make sure to check for air leaks and seal them up with caulk or weatherstripping to reduce energy waste and lower your utility bills.

Leaks, holes, and poor connections cause up to 20% of the air that circulates through a home’s duct system to be lost.

You can focus on these areas to find air leaks:

  • Ceilings and walls
  • Doors and windows
  • Plumbing and lighting components
  • Electrical outlets and switches

18. Install Window Treatments

Installing window treatments is a great way to reduce energy waste. Curtains and blinds can help keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, so you don’t have to rely as much on your heating and cooling system. This can save you money on your utility bills and help reduce your carbon footprint.

19. Use Drapes or Blinds

Closing drapes or blinds during the warmer months is a simple way to save electricity. Your home will stay cooler and your air conditioner will work less if you close the blinds on the sunny side of your house.

Open the blinds during the cooler months to allow the sun’s natural light warm your house. When possible, try to use natural light to supplement your artificial lighting.

20. Check Your Water Usage

If your water bills have been increasing, it’s a good idea to check your water usage. You may be using more water than you realize, and this can waste energy and money. 

There are a few simple ways to reduce your water usage, such as turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth and fixing any leaks. Your water usage and energy costs can be decreased by making little modifications to how you use water.

  • While using the bathroom, shut off the faucet.
  • Reduce the length of your showers or take fewer showers Do more washing in one huge load
  • Make sure the outdoor hoses are disconnected.
  • Replacing fixtures, hoses, and faucets that leak water

21. Maintenance Your Air Conditioner

A well-maintained air conditioner will not only work better but will also use less electricity. You should have your air conditioner serviced at least once a year by a professional. In between annual services, you can do some basic maintenance yourself, such as changing the air filter and cleaning the coils.

22. Choose Energy-Efficient Appliances

When it comes time to replace your outdated appliances, be sure to pick models that are energy-efficient. Energy-efficient appliances consume less water and energy, which lowers your utility costs. Look for the ENERGY STAR label when shopping for new appliances.

23. Upgrade Windows and Exterior Doors

According to NRCan, inadequate windows and doors can cause your home to lose up to 25% of its heat. Replace old and drafty windows and doors to keep heat (or air conditioning) in and cold or hot temperatures out. Although the initial financial outlay for new windows and doors can be staggering, they should save money on energy in the long run.

24. Tighten Your Ductwork

Ductwork that’s not properly sealed can cause heat to escape from your home, wasting energy and money. Make sure all the joints in your ductwork are sealed with mastic or metal-backed tape to prevent heat loss. You should also have your ductwork professionally cleaned every few years to remove any dirt or debris that could be causing it to work less efficiently.

25. Install Attic and Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are a great way to save energy and money because they use less electricity than air conditioners. Ceiling fans can also make your home more comfortable by circulating the air and making it feel cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

In the summer, they can help keep your house cool by moving hot air out of the attic. In the winter, they can help circulate warm air from the basement to the upper levels of your house.

26. Turn Off the Lights When You Leave a Room

Leaving the lights on when you’re not in a room is a waste of energy. To save energy, make it a habit to turn off the lights when you leave a room. You can also save energy by using natural light whenever possible.

27. Hang Clothes to Dry

Hanging your clothes to dry instead of using the dryer is a great way to save energy. The clothesline doesn’t use any energy, and it’s gentle on your clothes. If you don’t have a clothesline, you can also try using a drying rack or hanging your clothes on hangers to dry.

28. Wash Only Full Loads of Laundry

Washing only full loads of laundry is a great way to save energy and water. If you have a small load, try washing it by hand. You can also save energy by line-drying your clothes instead of using the dryer.

Final Thought

Saving energy doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. There are a number of simple ways to save energy in your home, and many of them don’t require any special equipment or training. By making a few small changes, you can save money on your utility bills and help the environment. Try some of these energy-saving tips today.

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