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12 Benefits Of Work From Home for Employees

by Lily Morgen
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Work From Home

COVID-19 forced companies to encourage their employees to work from home. Many companies have found that employees who work from home are more productive than those who work in an office. Here are some of the benefits of working from home for employees.

1. Flexibility in Your Schedule

One of the great benefits of working from home is that you have much more flexibility in your schedule. You can arrange your time to better suit your personal needs and commitments. 

For example, if you have young children, you can take care of them while you work. Or, if you need to take care of an elderly parent, you can do so without having to worry about taking time off from work.

You can also have time to learn new things or improve your skills while working from home. You can take online courses or participate in webinars during your break times or after work hours. This way, you can keep up with the latest trends in your industry without having to sacrifice your work life.

2. Increase Productivity

Working from home can actually lead to increased productivity. A study by Stanford University found that employees who work from home are 13% more productive than those who work in an office. This is because there are fewer distractions, and you can create a work environment that suits your needs.

Also, when you work from home, you can take breaks whenever you want. This means that you can take a break when you feel most productive. For example, if you work better in the morning, you can take a break in the afternoon. This flexibility can lead to increased productivity.

3. More Comfortable Work Environment

When you work from home, you can create a work environment that is comfortable for you. This can include things like setting up a standing desk, or working in a quiet room. This can lead to less stress and more focus.

4. Less Stress

Working from home can also be less stressful than working in an office. This is because you don’t have to deal with the daily commute. Also, you can avoid office politics and the stress that comes with working in a traditional office environment.

In addition, you can dress more comfortably when you work from home. This can lead to less stress because you don’t have to worry about what to wear to work. You can also listen to music or have other distractions that can help you relax.

5. Better Work-Life Balance

When you work from home, you can have a better work-life balance. This is because you can avoid the “9 to 5” grind and design your own schedule. For example, if you want to take a break in the middle of the day to go for a walk, you can do so. Or, if you want to work late at night, you can do so without having to worry about getting home late.

Meanwhile, you can take advantage of working from home to take care of personal errands during the day. For example, you can go to the grocery store or run other errands during your lunch break. This way, you can avoid having to do these things after work.

6. You’ll be More Satisfied with this Remoting Job

Employees who work from home are more satisfied with their jobs than those who work in an office. This is likely due to the increased flexibility and autonomy that comes with working from home. Employees who are able to design their own schedules and work in their own style are usually happier and more productive.

7. Less Influence from Colleagues in the Same Office

If you find that you are easily distracted by colleagues in the same office, working from home can be a great solution. You can eliminate distractions and better focus on your work. This can lead to increased productivity and less stress. 

Some people may speak or laugh loudly, have personal conversations, or play music without headphones. These can all be distracting and interfere with your work.

8. You Can Choose Where to Live

When you work from home, you can choose to live in a location that suits your lifestyle. This could be closer to family or friends, in a cheaper area, or in a place with better weather. You also don’t have to deal with a long commute every day.

9. No Time Wasted Commuting

Commuting can be a huge time waster, especially if you live far from your office. When you work from home, you can eliminate this wasted time and use it for something else, like spending time with family or working on a hobby.

10. You Spend Less Money Outside of the House

If you work in an office, you have to drive your car or take public transportation to get there. This can add up to a lot of money over time. Meanwhile, your lunch break might involve going out to eat, which can also be expensive. Also, your children might need childcare. When you work from home, you can save all of this money.

11. You Have Time to Exercise

You’ll arrive home from work at 6:00 pm or later if you work in an office. So there is little time left for fitness. However, if you work from home, you can take a break whenever you want and do some exercises. This is good for your health and can lead to more energy and focus when you return to work.

12. You Can Spend More Time with Family

If you have young children, working from home allows you to spend more time with them. You can take them to school and pick them up, and you don’t have to worry about childcare. You can also spend more time with your partner or other family members. This can lead to a stronger relationship and less stress.

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